“Roots:Unknown” is an award-winning 30-minute documentary produced and directed by Montclair resident Zara Phillips examining the lifelong emtional impact adoption has on the adoptee and their families. A free screening of the film will be presented as part of Adoption Awareness Month – Monday Nov. 30 at 7p.m. – at Montclair Public Library.
Following the screening, there will be a short discussion with Zara and several cast members in the film.
To watch the three-minute trailer on You Tube, click here.
ROOTS: UNKNOWN, A Film About Adoption, NOVEMBER 30, 7p.m., MONTCLAIR PUBLIC LIBRARY, 50 S. Fullerton Ave. Montclair, NJ.
Check out the Baristanet’s Calendar to find out what’s going on this weekend…

2 replies on “Roots Unknown: Local Filmmaker’s Screening At Montclair Library”

  1. She delivers a really important message about being adopted. I believe she is from the UK and had access to her original birth certificate as an adult.
    She was incredulous that in the US adult adoptees are treated as second class citizens. She has partnered with Run DMC, who is also adopted, to fight for a right the rest of us take for granted, that we have access to information about who we are on a very basic level. Pretty powerful stuff.

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