When it comes to our highways, New Jersey ranks as extravagant for its size. From the Courier Post

New Jersey has the fourth-smallest state-owned highway system in the country, but with some $6 billion total funds spent ranked highest with $2.2 million spent per mile of road. The national average was $128,538 per mile, with the national low in South Caroline at $31,685 per mile.
David Hartgen, professor of transportation studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and author of the study, said the report aims to show how states compare with their total funds and what they get in return.
“They have an aging system, lots of traffic, heavy truck traffic, lots of development, not the greatest weather in the country. . . . Certainly not a good situation,” Hartgen said.

Liz George is the publisher of Montclair Local. liz@montclairlocal.news

6 replies on “New Jersey: Come Drive Our Expensive Highways”

  1. If you want to cut taxes you must cut services. Close the turnpike. I suppose we don’t need an infrastructure.

  2. If you said the national average was 1.5M per ml. and NJ was 2.2M, you could have a case for higher costs are in the replacement of an aging infrastructure. $128,538 as the average says corruption and organized crime are in full swing (even factoring in, say, more bridges).

  3. If you want to go after corruption, do it. Get a list of the contractors that are working on a given project, do background checks on them, and present what you find when the bidding comes up. I’m sure things will go well for you.
    Or cut, cut, cut. You really don’t need roads and bridges as much as you need lower taxes.

  4. We don’t need roads and bridges, laserwayfarer? Really? Would you prefer we travel by portaging and the utilization of paid ferrymen and barges? (You know, like the kind Mike Fink captained in frontier America?)
    Everytime I foolishly think you won’t dare try to outdo your previous skein of dumb assertions, you do, mikeypal! You are consistently idiotic.
    And the roads in SC, in my frequent experience, are very well maintained. More interestingly, when they have to close a lane for construction, it reopens right after the actual construction area is passed. But last night on Springfield Avenue in Union and Springfield, the cones continued for literally 2.4 miles past the actual point of, uh, “labor.” (Which in this state always seems to include a guy holding coffee containers for the rest of the crew, whatever the hour.)
    And don’t get me started on how long it always seems to take road crews in NJ to either lay down or pick cones….Can any of us pronounce or spell “featherbedding?”

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