Grandparents Who Rock is looking for singers and musicians. The group is a spin-off of Parents Who Rock, an association of musicians based in Montclair, NJ, who contribute their time and talents to benefit local not-for-profit organizations.
Founder Alma Schneider has received calls from people who want to perform, but who do not feel comfortable with the younger-aged Parents Who Rock groups. Then she heard about Jim Steiner, 71, a barbershop singer, member of the Big Apple Chorus in New York City, and a Montclair grandfather. Steiner was the inspiration for forming Grandparents Who Rock.
Interested musically-inclined grandparents can contact Alma Schneider here for more information. Grandparents Who Rock will make their debut performance on Saturday, February 28th at Montclair’s Diva Lounge.

Liz George is the publisher of Montclair Local.

22 replies on “Move Over, Young Whippersnappers”

  1. Hmmmmm… might have to make an exception for my ‘avoid night clubs, especially Diva, at all costs policy’ for this one.
    I most definately rock and am old enough to be a grandparent. Maybe I’ll quit my current band and start up a new project, “People who are old enough to be grandparents, who most definately rock”

  2. People with Green Eyes Who Own Labrador Retrievers Who Like Cold Sesame Noodles Who Drink Guinness Who Watch Old Fred MacMurray Movies Who Rock.
    See what I mean?

  3. “I don’t like either name. If you rock, you rock. You don’t need any other qualifiers.”
    Hell yeah!

  4. “People who would ordinarily rock, but are too busy making a living to make a serious committment to rock, but might someday rock”

  5. Didn’t Diva also host an event for toddlers? These people sure don’t like to alienate any age group!

  6. I went to one of their gigs. During the break, I walk into the men’s room and there are four or five of them huddled around a mirror snorting Metamucil.

  7. One day the folks who post here are damning Diva Lounge for both its music and its staffers. The very next, some are making plans to be there.
    Oh well, the last thing local grandfolk and their groupies should ever need by way of keeping them in line is bouncers. So it’s a nice night off for the floor crew at Diva Lounge.

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