-1.jpgTomorrow is International Walk to School Day.
Though if your kid goes to Bradford in Montclair, you might want to stay in the car. We hear that intersection is like human frogger.
In Montclair, it’s also Crossing Guard Appreciation Day.
I’m all about appreciating the cool crossing guards, especially the one on Chestnut Street who tells me I look pretty, But Walk to School Day? Really?
According to the press release, International Walk to School Day hopes to promote physical activity, safe walking skills, awareness of how walkable a community is, traffic reduction and taking back our neighborhoods.
The only part of the neighborhood I’d like to take back is at Plymouth Street just past Orange Road where we trip over a roller coaster of blue stone sidewalk while getting smacked in the head by overgrown bushes.
We walk to school every day, and I did when I was a kid, too. I do it because I love the great outdoors and fresh air almost as much as I love my Land Rover. I also do it because I happen to live close. Many people in our magnet system really can’t walk, like my neighbor whose kids go to Northeast.
Anyway, tomorrow, we will walk to school, and we’ll definitely high five the crossing guards.
Do you walk to school? Why or why not?

5 replies on “Walk to School Day Tomorrow”

  1. I’d love for my child to walk to school (we are not bus eligible) but he’d have to walk down Pine St. and past that corner liquor store where the drug dealers hang out.

  2. Thursday is International Love Your Child Day.
    Friday is International Give Your Child a Name Day.
    Enough already with all this stuff– as Chris Rock said, you should be doing.
    With all the fear of abduction– this is what we get: fat kids who are not allowed out without a parent tied to them and a special “DAY” for them to walk to school (when you live close enough to walk).
    All things that should be perfectly normal, but now get elevated to a special DAY.
    This just in:
    Monday is International Eat a Meal with Your Kid Day (wait, that’s probably a real “DAY”…)

  3. When my daughter was at preschool, we walked frequently. It was really nice walking in the morning–a great way to start the day. Now that she is in kindergarten, her school is too far to walk. We’re moving at the end of the month, and it will be even farther.
    We will make a card for the crossing guard at the corner of Nishuane for Crossing Guard Appreciation Day, even though we drive to school.

  4. Growing up I lived just inside 2 miles of my middle and high schools and therefore had to walk.
    It wasn’t always fun (especially in the winter), but it did help keep me in shape back when this whole “epidemic” of over-weight children started to raise its ugly head in the mid-late 1990s.

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