A few weeks ago I took my daughter to an after-school program at Montclair’s Nishuane Elementary School called “Getting Fit With Mr. Eder.” Parents were invited to compete against their children in a variety of different games involving hula hoops, dancing and scooting across the gym floor on our backsides and stomachs. There was a bit too much jumping for the moms–after having kids, maybe less jumping would not have been a bad thing. It was hysterical. By the end, we were all sweating and laughing.

Mr. Eder is hands down the best gym teacher I have ever met. So it is no surprise when he has named NJ’s Physical Education Teacher of the Year from the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Eduction, Recreation and Dance (NJAHPERD). He is wonderful with the kids and very inventive.

Here are some of the games Mr. Eder came up with to keep your kids busy and active almost anywhere, anytime:

  • Knock the Bottles Down: Take a pair of rolled up socks and line up plastic water bottles. Then let the kids throw the rolled up socks at them. It teaches hand eye coordination and the socks are more gentle inside than most balls.
  • Bowling: Simply put the bottles on the ground and let them bowl with a sock.
  • Basketball: You can also put a clean trash can in the middle of the room and toss the balled up sock in the can.
  • Balloon Tennis: For rackets simply duct tape a wooden paint stirrer or ruler to the back of a paper plate.
  • Keep it Up: This is simply keeping the balloon up in the air. We have been playing “Keep It Up” with one finger. My son is a bit rough and likes to volley the balloon into the ground or  at his sister’s head then he gets to take a crack at her and blame the game. Using one finger seems to tone down the smack-down around here.
  • Letter or Number Pick-Up: This can be done with as many numbers or letters (you could do one set in cursive and the other in block letters.) Put the numbered plates on the ground and tell the child to go get a certain number. Time them while they take their turn.

We have been playing these games all week while the rain has poured down outside. The kids love doing something active and I don’t have to hear, “Stop copying me!!” every ten minutes.

Thank you to Mr. Eder of Nishuane School for your time and wonderful ideas!

One reply on “Ask Holly: Indoor Games With Mr. Eder”

  1. Thanks for a good story. It’s really kinda nice to see someone getting the praise he deserves!

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