Yesterday, from 4 to 5 p.m., Baristaa Debbie Galant and Liz George conducted a digital debate of Montclair’s three mayoral candidates. We learned that all three support the library (including a second branch), that Robert Jackson, as part of an effort to increase town ratables, favors hiring a “business ombudsman” to help news businesses get through red tape, that Susswein thinks “cynicism” is the enemy of good government, and that none of the candidates favors selling the town’s Wildwood properties below market price. You can read the full transcript by clicking on the Cover-It-Live panel, and we’ve highlighted some of the most interesting quotes from the debate below.

What’s the biggest problem faced by the town?

Jackson: Precarious financial condition of the town.
Susswein: Taxes and debt are huge problems. But let me also note the challenge of overcoming the cynicism out there that the government at any level can work for the people. Rather than “dis” citizen groups, disbanding or denying them access to needed information, we will encourage Montclair’s talented residents to volunteer their time–and we will listen to them!
Turner: Rising taxes are making Montclair unaffordable to people throughout Montclair. Continued increases like we suffered not sustainable. The $250M debt is a ticking time bomb.

What are the solutions to these financial problems?

Susswein: We can’t cut our way to a better Montclair. We nee to be smart, not just cheap. Being smart means saving money on commodity services through selective outsourcing and other restructuring and investing some of the savings in sustaining Montclair’s quality of life.
Jackson: 15-20 year debt reduction plan in conjunction with the CFC recommendations. Aggressive economic development plan to enhance ratables and drive new revenues… expansion of shared services initiatives.
Turner: Real Progress Montclair has issued a moratorium on debt issuances for non-essential items. We’ve also stated we will issue a 5 year budget plan.

On having a second library branch:

Susswein: ...we will work with the Library Board to increase the Bellevue branch to three days a week. We believe this is possible within the existing library budget
Jackson: I do not consider two a redundancy. Many seniors and parents with young children use the Branch extensively and its their only accessible resource
Turner: Real Progress Montclair absolutely supports the Montclair Public Library. The town should stop trying to balance its budget on the backs of the library. We will with with the library Board of Directors to see out innovative ways to effectively keep out library(ies) open.

On selling town assets:

Susswein: We are opposed to selling any town assets for less than full market value, given the town’s financial pressures. This includes the Wildwood properties.
Jackson: The sale of assets must be in play. I believe the Wildwood decision bears reconsideration with the goal of keeping it open space as the number one priority. I interested to see where the “bids” for the lots will come in.
Turner: We first need to set a 5 year and long term plan. Next we should set up working groups like Shelley Lombard did with the BOE did to explore various issues including selling town assets or bringing the Parking Authority function in-house or out-source.
Wildwood: We support affordable housing throughout the town. However we should not be selling land below market rates with our town’s current financial position.

On growing ratables:

Jackson: We have to put the proper zoning in place to create attractive development projects. Secondly, we have to be available to provide information and cut out the red tape for businesses looking to come to Montclair. A business ombudsman is critical… I hope the ombudsman can be funded through an economic development grant which we are investigating.

On the possibility of privatizing trash collection:

Susswein: We need to benchmark a wie range of township fucntions against what outside providers can offer. Sanitation is certainly high on that list given that many NJ communities are saving hundreds of thousands of dollars. We need to ask the question.
Turner: If privatization will provide excellent service at lower cost to all its citizens, we will consider it. All of these things are on the table in order to ensure Montclair’s fiscal health and long term sustainability.

On the fire deal with Glen Ridge:

Susswein: Montclair did not have to choose between a bad deal with Glen Ridge and no deal. Montclair and Bloomfield competed in a bidding race to the bottom — our “win” was a loss from Montclair taxpayers. We will open discussions with all our neighbors about working together efficiently, and will pursue newly available state monies to help with this regionalization.
Jackson: I’m not interested in reliving the past. The deal is done. If we pull out Bloomfield will do the deal. The fact of the matter is the MFD dedicates minimal resources to serve GR. I for one will not jeopardize those funds.

On the parking authority:

Turner: Real Progress Montclair thinks the Parking Authority is a priority. We will investigate bringing in the PA in-house which will result in savings for Montclair.
Jackson: The parking/parking authority issue must be incorporated into an overall plan for economic development in our CBD’s. the development projects needed for the CBS will incorporate the additional parking.
Susswein: Parking is indeed a sore point. I’ve read the consultant’s report and am mystified as to why the council did not conduct hearings to validate or rebut the findings.

On the assisted living development on Montclair Council’s agenda Tuesday night:

Susswein: The assisted living proposal has received little or no public discussion. This is not the way to make important land use decisions.
Jackson: I’d like to learn more about the success of Assisted Living facilities in downtown areas but the reality is that Assisted Living has been judged to be an inherently beneficial use in NJ Land Use Law and will eventually be approved if developers push the issue.

On Turner sending her children to private schools:

Turner: I know tha the public school system is the backbone of this town. I’m a product of the public schools. I support the BOE on all the work they’ve done over the past few years. I have the support and backing of PTA Presidents, MFEE Board Members, Class Moms and some of the most active volunteers in the public school system. They know that I am committed and dedicated to the Montclair Public Schools.

78 replies on “Join the Digital Debate: We’ve Highlighted the Best Parts”

  1. Forgive me, but this is almost a disaster.

    The lag between question an answer makes for an almost impossible flow of “conversation.”

    Though that “1% question” was valid, and certainly not beneath anyone.

  2. Who is Jeff Jacobson? His response to the 1% question certainly is indicative of a lack of transparency and doesn’t endear me to him.

  3. This was about as deep as any other story on Baristanet. Meaning not very.

    How, about, instead, interviewing candidates individually? And using such frequent posters as ROC, jerseygurl and hereverschemel to do the actual questioning. I’d certainly then expect more bite to the conversations.

  4. Baristas: You lost me the 3rd time you asked the “anonymous comments/blog” question. Seriously: how does knowing the answer to that question help us decide who the right candidate is?

    Who cares? You don’t need Freid’s approval to justify your existence. You are giving it more attention than it deserves.

    If you want to feel more legitimate, add more credible and newsworthy news, ditch the drinky-name thing, and hold true to reporting beyond Montclair. A story here and there about a store in another town doesn’t count.

  5. For frankgg’s benefit, I have taken the liberty of translating the transcipt into Italian:

    Baristanet: Sono uno dei candidati sindaco in casa?
    Robert Jackson: Robert Jackson
    Baristanet: Ciao, Robert. Benvenuti alla chat.
    Robert Jackson: Grazie.
    Baristanet: Robert, gli altri candidati potrebbe avere difficoltà tecniche. Abbiamo sei minuti prima che vada in diretta su Baristanet. Grazie per trattenere.
    Harvey Susswein: Ciao, Harvey Susswein è online
    Baristanet: Benvenuto, Harvey!
    Baristanet: Grande
    Baristanet: Sto solo aspettando Karen!
    Baristanet: Inizieremo con una domanda alle 4 del pomeriggio.
    Baristanet: Benvenuti al dibattito. Stiamo ancora avendo qualche piccole difficoltà tecniche. Ma inizieremo con una domanda a breve.
    Commento di Karen Turner
    Karen Turner è on-line.
    Baristanet: Ecco la nostra prima domanda: per ciascuno di voi, qual è il problema più grande di fronte a Montclair?
    Baristanet: Karen? Harvey? Robert?
    Robert Jackson: precario stato finanziario della città.
    Harvey Susswein: tasse e debito sono enormi problemi. Ma lasciatemi anche notare la sfida di superare il cinismo là fuori che il governo a qualsiasi livello può lavorare per il popolo. Piuttosto che “DIS” gruppi di cittadini, lo scioglimento loro o negando loro l’accesso alle informazioni necessarie, incoraggeremo Montclair i residenti di talento a volontariamente il loro tempo, e noi li ascolti! Abbiamo intenzione di fare ciò che diciamo che faremo e ci verranno poste alcune vittorie sul tabellone presto nel nostro termine. Abbiamo bisogno di ristabilire la fiducia che il governo può funzionare.
    Commento di Karen Turner
    Aumento delle tasse stanno facendo Montclair inaccessibili alle persone in tutta Montclair. Continuo aumento, come non abbiamo sofferto sostenibile. Il debito $ 250M è una bomba a orologeria.
    Baristanet: Siamo tutti d’accordo sulle questioni di denaro. Quali sono le vostre soluzioni?
    Commento da Guest
    Perché avere 2 librerie necessarie?
    Baristanet: Sindaco Fried uscito aggressivamente contro i commentatori anonimi sui blog. Qual è la tua posizione sulla commentare e come pensate di interagire online?
    Harvey Susswein: Non possiamo tagliare il nostro modo di Montclair uno migliore. Dobbiamo essere intelligenti, non solo a buon mercato. Essere intelligenti significa risparmiare sui servizi delle materie prime attraverso l’outsourcing selettivo e la ristrutturazione di loro e di investire parte dei risparmi Montclair nel sostenere la qualità della vita.
    Commento da Guest
    Come sappiamo questi sono i candidati e non loro gente pr?
    Robert Jackson: 15-20 anni il debito piano di riduzione conjnunction con le raccomandazioni CFC.
    Aggressivo piano di sviluppo economico per migliorare ratables e guidare nuove entrate.
    tutte le “nuove entrate da utilizzare per la stabilizzazione fiscale e la riduzione del debito.
    Espansione di iniziative condivise servizi.
    Baristanet: Guest, abbiamo confermato con tutti i candidati.
    Baristanet: candidati a sindaco, vi suggerisco le vostre risposte di tipo breve per arrivare al dibattito in movimento.
    Commento di Karen Turner
    Meglio della supervisione finanziaria. Istituire un piano di bilancio di 5 anni. Seguite i consigli del CFC e di altri esperti finanziari per quanto riguarda la gestione del debito. Emettere una moratoria su qualsiasi non-essenziali del debito per due anni per completare i nostri progetti in corso. Toccare conto delle competenze nella comunità. Focus su un piano a lungo termine per piano di sviluppo economico di concentrarsi sulla generazione di ricavi. Utilizzare metodi innovativi per offrire servizi e misurare le prestazioni.
    Baristanet: Tornando alla domanda biblioteca, non si considera uno reduncancy 2 librerie.
    Harvey Susswein: Per la Montclair ardesia ha preso la posizione che lavoreremo con il Consiglio di Biblioteca di aumentare il ramo Bellevue a tre giorni alla settimana. Crediamo che questo sia possibile, nel bilancio libreria esistente.
    Baristanet: A proposito, i lettori – stiamo tenendo alcuni commenti in modo che il dibattito possa fluire. noi li rilasciare a breve.
    Commento di Scott K.
    Come residente relativamente nuovo di Montclair, mi chiedo se si potrebbe spiegare perché le tasse sono relativamente alti e il liceo è classificato appena nella media in tutto lo stato e che cosa fareste per ridurre questo gap.
    Robert Jackson: io non considero due una ridondanza. Molti anziani e genitori con bambini piccoli usare la branca ampiamente e la sua l’unica risorsa accessibile.
    Baristanet: Karen, hai un parere in merito alla biblioteca ramo?
    Commento da Guest
    Mr. Jackson, perchè la gente non può usare la branca centro? è per convenienza?
    Commento di Karen Turner
    Montclair progresso reale supporta assolutamente la Biblioteca Montclair pubblica. La città deve smettere di cercare di pareggiare il suo bilancio sulle spalle della biblioteca. Lavoreremo con il Consiglio di Amministrazione biblioteca a cercare modi innovativi per mantenere efficacemente la nostra biblioteca (i) aperto.
    Harvey Susswein: Le nostre tasse sono alte dovuta in parte alla mancanza di ratables commerciali. Abbiamo un disperato bisogno di ristabilire una funzione di sviluppo economico. Montclair non è stato correttamente stessa vendita. Altre città sono.
    Baristanet: Harvey, significa che il ripristino del MEDC?
    Baristanet: o ricominciare lavoro di Eileen Sheehan?
    Commento di Scott K.
    Vuoi cercare di vendere i beni eventualmente città? Qual è la vostra posizione sul Viale Wildwood terra? Che dire di rifinanziamento del debito esistente?
    Harvey Susswein: O qualcosa del genere. Abbiamo bisogno anche di un singolo punto di ingresso per uomini d’affari che vogliono creare qui per navigare attraverso varie approvazioni della città.
    Robert Jackson: Montclair è di solito rispetto alle scuole con una popolazione più omogenei nelle comunità di reddito più elevati. la performance delle nostre scuole ha bisogno di migliorare in ogni caso. Alcuni dei communites innovative di apprendimento più piccole istituito presso MHS aiuterà enormemente. Dobbiamo lavorare di più per dedicare più dei nostri dollari istruzione nelle classsrooms.
    Commento di Redrum
    Come ti senti per la grande concentrazione di alloggi a prezzi accessibili nel Ward 4? E ‘tempo di lasciare alcuni dei AH c’è scadenza per ridurre l’onere per i residenti del rione 4 °?
    Harvey Susswein: Siamo contrari alla vendita di qualsiasi asset5s città per meno di pieno valore di mercato, dato pressioni finanziarie della città. Questo include le proprietà Wildwood.
    Baristanet: Harvey – vuol dire che non avrebbe messo le proprietà a prezzi accessibili su Wildwood?
    Commento di Redrum
    Quello è il reparto 1. Ho chiesto il reparto 4.
    Robert Jackson: La vendita dei beni deve essere in gioco.
    Credo che la decisione Wildwood porta riconsiderazione con l’obiettivo di tenerlo spazio aperto come la priorità numero uno. Mi interessava vedere dove le “offerte” per i lotti verranno entrare
    Dobbiamo a refiinance una percentuale ancora maggiore del nostro debito a breve termine a più stabile il debito a lungo termine.
    Karen Turner: vendere i beni Città: In primo luogo abbiamo bisogno di impostare 5 anni di piano e lungo termine. Poi si dovrebbe istituire gruppi di lavoro, come Shelley Lombardo ha fatto con la BOE ha fatto per esplorare vari temi tra cui la vendita beni comunali o portare la funzione di Autorità di parcheggio in-house o out-source.
    Wildwood: Sosteniamo alloggi a prezzi accessibili in tutta la città. Tuttavia, non dovrebbe essere venduto terreni a tassi inferiori a quelli di mercato con la attuale situazione finanziaria della nostra città.
    Debiti: Ci condurrà una revisione completa di tutti i debiti borgata eccezionale e rifinanziare, ove disponibili, ridurre i costi.
    Harvey Susswein: sì. Alloggi a prezzi accessibili è una questione separata e distinta dalla vendita Wildwood. Sosteniamo i valori di alloggi a prezzi accessibili in tutta la borgata. Ci sono più intelligenti approcci.
    Commento di Cary Africk
    Scioglimento del CFC è stato un errore. Bisogna dare qualche pensiero a quanti debiti ST da convertire. Maggiore interesse potrebbe avere grande impatto sul bilancio di funzionamento. Queste mosse di debito devono essere pensato.
    Baristanet: Torniamo a una domanda che stese presto. Sindaco Fried uscì aggressivamente contro i commentatori anonimi sui blog. Qual è la tua posizione sulla commentare e come pensate di interagire online?
    Che cosa hai imparato da tuo Fried, e come vorresti essere diverso?
    Robert Jackson: Il reparto quarto ha portato il peso di AH senza dubbio.
    M2012 incoraggerà gli incentivi di sviluppo in “centro” aree degli altri reparti, ad esempio per favorire una crescita intelligente per la nostra città e di mettere AH vicino ai mezzi di trasporto e altri servizi essenziali.
    Baristanet: Karen, Robert, Harvey – vai alla domanda Fried.
    Robert Jackson: domanda Fried?
    Baristanet: Torniamo a una domanda che stese presto. Sindaco Fried uscì aggressivamente contro i commentatori anonimi sui blog. Qual è la tua posizione sulla commentare e come pensate di interagire online?
    Commento di Jeff Jacobson
    Questo formato non si presta a risposte dettagliate, ma Harvey Susswein di ardesia “Per Montclair” ha messo le dichiarazioni politiche dettagliate su numerosi temi. Li potete trovare sul nostro sito,
    Baristanet: Che cosa hai imparato da tuo Fried, e come vorresti essere diverso?
    Harvey Susswein: Dobbiamo essere molto più aperti a considerare i contributi dei cittadini incredibili di Montclair. Il è una ricchezza di talenti e competenze diverse che intendiamo a beneficiare, in contrasto con il Consiglio esistente.
    Baristanet: Grazie, Jeff, per entrare nel dibattito.
    Commento di Scott K.
    Cosa fareste in particolare per attrarre nuove imprese e il commercio al Montclair?
    Baristanet: Harvey, pensi che Fried è responsabile per la città che non beneficiano della ricchezza di talenti in città?
    Commento di Cary Africk
    Alloggi a prezzi accessibili è simile a qualsiasi altra sede. Perché è il male ad avere, anche nel reparto quarto? E nel secondo reparto, oltre a Talbot Street, ci sono una serie di caratteristiche ideali per AH ancora la città non lascerà HomeCorp anche guardare. Perché la volontà di penalizzare il Ward First?
    Commento di Cary Africk
    Quello che ho imparato da Fried è la necessità di “contare fino a quattro.” Ho anche imparato privati ​​possono dirottare gli ordini del giorno del Consiglio.
    Robert Jackson: il sindaco Fried si impegna per lo sviluppo del centro e questa è una buona cosa. Vorrei usare i miei 25 anni di esperienza di sviluppo ot accelerare la velocità e migliorare la visione di questi progetti in Montclair.
    Harvey Susswein: sì. Il consiglio sciolto un gruppo (CFC) e relegato un altro (Obac) al deposito della libertà-di-informazioni-richieste per ottenere le informazioni necessarie, ad esempio ..
    Karen Turner: Montclair Progress reale crede buone idee da qualsiasi fonte sono sempre i benvenuti. La chiave è una buona comunicazione e la trasparenza con tutti i cittadini. Useremo sito web della città e altri mezzi di comunicazione più efficace. Il sito web sarà un più moderno e interattivo preso per lo scambio di buone idee.
    Baristanet: Abbiamo sentito che alcuni di Montclair più ricche residenti ha chiesto un incontro privato con ognuno di voi questo fine settimana. È vero? C’era un aspetto speciale per “Montclair di 1 per cento”?
    Harvey Susswein: Abbiamo avuto un completo (ed estenuante) calendario di incontri-e-saluta tutta la città.
    Robert Jackson: Dobbiamo mettere la zonizzazione corretta in atto per creare progetti interessanti DELLO SVILUPPO. In secondo luogo, dobbiamo essere a disposizione per fornire informazioni e tagliare la burocrazia per le imprese che cercano di venire a Montclair. A omsbudsman business è critico.
    Baristanet: Robert, Karen? Avete sentito parlare di una richiesta speciale da parte dei residenti ricchi per i privati ​​one-to-one nel fine settimana?
    Commento di Jeff Jacobson
    Tale questione l’1% era al di sotto della dignità di questo dibattito. Tutte e tre le liste stanno avendo incontri con i cittadini in tutta la città. Stiamo tutti vicini lavorando sodo per convincere i nostri concittadini che abbiamo le migliori idee per Montclair. Rimaniamo alle questioni, per favore.
    Baristanet: Dove vi levate in piedi sulla privatizzazione della raccolta dei rifiuti?
    Commento da Guest
    “Omsbudsman business è critico. ”
    Commento da Guest
    “Un omsbudsman business è fondamentale”. Sarà questa una posizione a pagamento?
    Karen Turner: Mi piace la School Board Advisory Committee che il sindaco Fried istituita per aiutare cercare e individuare i migliori candidati a far parte del Board of Education.
    Inoltre, l’attenzione del consiglio comunale deve essere sempre rappresentare gli interessi della comunità e non su progetti personali.
    Robert Jackson: Un gruppo di cittadini interessati ha chiesto di discutere con M2012 e le altre liste. Se fossero l’1% non ci ha detto.
    Baristanet: Parliamo di raccolta dei rifiuti, vigili del fuoco e autorità parcheggio Montclair. Breve e dolce, cosa vorresti cambiare?
    Harvey Susswein: Abbiamo bisogno di punto di riferimento una vasta gamma di funzioni comunali nei confronti di ciò che i fornitori esterni in grado di offrire. L’igiene è sicuramente alto su quella lista, dato che molte comunità NJ sta salvando centinaia di migliaia di dollari. Abbiamo bisogno di fare la domanda.
    Karen Turner: Montclair progresso reale non conosce la situazione finanziaria di tutti i partecipanti nei numerosi caffè che abbiamo partecipato.
    Commento da Guest
    Jeff Jacobson è il candidato sindaco per per Montclair?
    Commento di Cary Africk
    Abbiamo avuto una Commissione economica per lo sviluppo Montclair. L’offerta era un aggressivo director business development. La città deve investire nello sviluppo del business. Un individuo pagato potrebbe sfruttare le risorse dei cittadini. MEDC era un affare!
    Baristanet: Andiamo risposte sul fuoco, parcheggi, rifiuti.
    Robert Jackson: spero che il difensore civico può essere finanziato da una sovvenzione di sviluppo economico che stiamo indagando.
    Harvey Susswein: Per quanto riguarda il fuoco, Montclair non ha dovuto scegliere tra un cattivo affare, con Glen Ridge e nessun accordo. Montclair e Bloomfield gareggiato in una gara di offerta verso il basso, la nostra “vittoria” è stata una perdita per i contribuenti Montclair. Si aprirà colloqui con tutti i nostri vicini di lavorare insieme in modo efficiente, e proseguirà fondi statali recentemente disponibili per aiutare con questo regionalizzazione.
    Baristanet: Harvey, si va fino ad un consolidamento integrale con un’altra città?
    Karen Turner: Se la privatizzazione fornirà un servizio eccellente a un costo inferiore a tutti i suoi cittadini, noi lo consideriamo. Tutte queste cose sono sul tavolo, al fine di garantire la salute fiscale Montclair e sostenibilità a lungo termine.
    Baristanet: Abbiamo appena chiesto per il parcheggio. Molti acquirenti – e proprietari di ristoranti e negozi – si lamentano che è dissuadere la gente dal venire a Montclair centro. Si fissa l’autorità di un parcheggio una priorità?
    Baristanet: Questo influisce anche la questione dello sviluppo economico.
    Harvey Susswein: Regionalizzazione del fuoco e altre funzioni come il controllo degli animali sono sicuramente vale la pena perseguire.
    Robert Jackson: Non interessato a rivivere il passato. L’affare è fatto. Se noi tirare fuori Bloomfield farà l’affare. Il nocciolo della questione è il MFD dedica risorse minime per servire GR. Io per primo non metterà a repentaglio tali fondi.
    Qual è la vostra politica di apertura – come la divulgazione della spesa comunale e BOE on-line e che cosa se qualcosa – pensate che deve rimanere privata? Vuoi terminare i untelevised “pre-session” di riunioni, e tutte al piano di sotto incontri con telecamere a rotazione?
    Karen Turner: Montclair Progress reale pensa che l’Autorità di parcheggio è una priorità. Indagheremo portando nella PA in-house che si tradurrà in risparmi per Montclair.
    Karen Turner: L’intero reale piattaforma di Montclair corso è basata sulla trasparenza e una comunicazione chiara a tutti i residenti su tutte le questioni comunali.
    Baristanet: In arrivo domani sera: Dove vi levate in piedi sul piano di mettere Assisted Living di fronte al Siena?
    E qualora il Consiglio di corrente da decidere questo.
    Harvey Susswein: Noi siamo per la piena apertura e trasparenza. Il consiglio attuale tiene due riunioni al mese, il minimo legale. I hop miei colleghi consiglieri decidono di tenere una terza riunione ogni mese dedicata alla raccolta di fatti, notizie da gruppi di consulenza, e raggiungere un consenso sulla strategia e le priorità. Naturalmente, queste sessioni saranno aperte e televisiva.
    Robert Jackson: Il parcheggio / parcheggio questione l’autorità deve essere incorporati in un piano globale per lo sviluppo economico nei nostri CBD. i progetti di sviluppo necessari per i CBD incorporerà il parcheggio addtional ..
    Commento da Guest
    Vuoi nominare persone al BOE, che cercherà di condividere servizi (come IT) con la città?
    Harvey Susswein: La proposta assisted living ha ricevuto poca o nessuna discussione pubblica .. Questo non è il modo di fare importanti scelte urbanistiche.
    Karen Turner: principali questioni di pianificazione del capitale a lungo termine e lo sviluppo devono essere attentamente analizzato che probabilmente prendere oltre il termine del consiglio attuale.
    Commento di Scott K.
    Apprezzo molto l’opportunità di porre domande (si spera di cui molti residenti hanno un interesse). La mia ultima domanda è, ognuno di voi potrebbe identificare un aspetto importante della vostra piattaforma e / o piani che si differenzia dagli altri due candidati? Grazie mille per il vostro tempo.
    Robert Jackson: I “piacerebbe saperne di più il successo di strutture di residenza assistita nelle aree del centro, ma la realtà è che Assisted Living è stato giudicato un uso intrinsecamente benefico in Giurisprudenza NJ uso del suolo e alla fine vengono riconosciuti se gli sviluppatori di spingere il problema.
    Baristanet: procedurale, tuttavia, qualora il Consiglio attuale aspettare e lasciare che il nuovo consiglio decide Robert?
    Karen Turner: Sì, tutti i servizi condivisi tra il Comune e la BOE che si traduce in servizi migliori, maggiore efficienza e minori costi saranno perseguiti dalla lista di Reale Montclair Progress.
    Robert Jackson: IT, Purchsing, Mainitence, sono tutti sul tavolo per la cooperazione intra-agenzia di servizi.
    Commento di Joe M
    Sono le scuole funzionano bene, a tuo parere? Qual è il miglioramento più importante che ti piacerebbe vedere a raggiungere durante il suo mandato di sindaco?
    Harvey Susswein: Abbiamo dedicato molto tempo e fatica per inviare documenti di sintesi in più di una dozzina di questioni importanti della città sul nostro sito http://www.formontclair, com. Non sono a conoscenza che altre liste sono stati così imminente.
    Commento di Cary Africk
    Il nostro consulente sul parcheggio l’Autorità ha concluso che il concetto di Autorità era migliore, ma che la gente aveva bisogno di cambiare. Sono d’accordo. Rabbrividisco al pensiero di portare questa in-house. Smettere di concentrarsi su in casa contro l’autorità e concentrarsi sul rendere sostegno allo sviluppo parcheggio aziendale e rendendo il lavoro operazione in modo economicamente vantaggioso.
    Baristanet: Mettiamola più nettamente: E ‘Parcheggio di un disastro in Montclair? Per gli acquirenti e per il centro?
    Robert Jackson: Penso che sarebbe una condotta prudente. Penso solo che è utile conoscere il campo di gioco.
    Karen Turner: Montclair Progress Real ha emesso una moratoria sulle emissioni di debito per non essenziali elementi. Abbiamo anche detto che emetterà un piano di bilancio di 5 anni. Abbiamo molte soluzioni specifiche che sono state attuate con successo e abbassato i costi in altri comuni in tutto il paese incluso nel nostro documento Platform.
    Baristanet: Robert, che cosa si riferiva, come prudente?
    Baristanet: Ti sostenere il progetto South Park Street?
    Harvey Susswein: Il parcheggio è effettivamente un punto dolente. Ho letto la relazione del consulente e mistifica am motivo per cui il Consiglio non ha audizioni per convalidare o confutare le conclusioni.
    Robert Jackson: La nostra piattaforma è la più concentrata sulle entrate di nuovo. Il futuro della città non sta con brevi tagli draconiani termine, ma con prudente gestione delle spese e l’introduzione di opportunità intelligenti che si basa sui punti di forza di questo città 6 stazioni ferroviarie.
    Harvey Susswein: ho sostenuto il progetto South Park come un investimento nel nostro futuro economico. Stiamo cercando di attirare gli investimenti al nostro centro.
    Commento di BitPusher
    Uno dei punti discussi durante la colazione sindaci è stata la riduzione della pressione fiscale attraverso la riduzione dell’organico. Molte delle modalità proposte per ridurre i costi, quali i servizi condivisi e di outsourcing comporta la riduzione dell’organico. Come si fa a proporre che fare con questo? Una combinazione di blocco delle assunzioni, attrito e riqualificazione dei lavoratori rimanenti? Licenziamenti? Buyouts? Trasferimento workersworkers Montclair di esternalizzare azienda?
    Robert Jackson: Sarebbe prudente per il prossimo Consiglio a prendere la decisione finale sulla struttura AL.
    Karen Turner: Le scuole stanno ottenendo buoni risultati. C’è sempre spazio per migliorare. Durante il nostro periodo, ci piacerebbe vedere una città a livello di tecnologia implementata un’iniziativa che potrebbero trarre beneficio sia il Comune e le scuole pubbliche.
    Baristanet: E ‘uscito, Karen, di inviare i vostri figli a scuola privata. Si tratta di un falso problema, o è importante per la selezione di un BOE e migliorare l’istruzione in Montclair?
    Harvey Susswein: Licenziamenti su tutta la linea non sono la risposta. Abbiamo già ridotti all’osso, invece, abbiamo bisogno di indirizzare la ristrutturazione, compresa la privatizzazione, dove il risparmio sarà il più grande. Ci sono modi per strutturare queste offerte di preservare posti di lavoro a base di Montclair.
    Robert Jackson: senno di poi è sempre 20/20. Non avrei votato per il SPSP al momento ha preso la decisione senza un livello di comfort migliore sul rimborso. Mi auguro che la maggioranza di questo Consiglio dimostra me sbagliato.
    Karen Turner: so che il sistema scolastico pubblico è la spina dorsale di questa città. Io sono un prodotto delle scuole pubbliche. Sono favorevole alla BOE su tutto il lavoro che hanno svolto nel corso degli ultimi anni. Ho l’appoggio e il sostegno dei presidenti PTA, MFEE membri del consiglio di classe, mamme e alcuni dei volontari più attivi nel sistema scolastico pubblico. Sanno che mi sono impegnato e dedicato alle scuole pubbliche Montclair.
    Se la vostra lista nel suo complesso non viene eletto, come farà a evitare un “disfunzionale Consiglio” Ambiente, come quello che affliggeva il nostro consiglio attuale? Parlando della disfunzione, avete alcuna opinione sul movimento elezioni da maggio a Novemeber e vi rivisitare?
    Karen Turner: A South Park Street, sosteniamo questo progetto, ma non supervisione poveri o il superamento dei costi. Progetti di spesa in conto capitale devono essere riviste in corso al fine di evitare nei limiti di costo o di lavorazione scadente.
    Commento di Mike Morgan
    Come possiamo evitare di non avere niente, ma pizzerie, saloni di bellezza, centro di frozen yogurt e negozi? Scherzi a parte, non abbiamo bisogno di garantire più di un mix di attività?
    Harvey Susswein: ho un buon rapporto con Renee Baskerville, e conoscere la maggior parte degli altri candidati. Io prevedo alcun problema a lavorare con qualcuno di loro, anche se sto tifo per la mia squadra Per Montclair.
    Robert Jackson: Il personale comunale è all’osso, a questo punto in molti settori. Dobbiamo ancora esaminare altre opportunità ad esempio l’outsourcing per vedere se opportunites supplementari per il contenimento dei costi e la riduzione esiste. Tuttavia, la vera chiave per noi sarà agrgessively acquistando servizi condivisi.
    Commento da Guest
    Che cos’è un livello accettabile di debito? 100 milioni, 50 milioni, etc?
    Commento di BitPusher
    HHarvey, questo significa che non stanno andando per ridurre la manodopera?
    Karen Turner: avrei potuto essere su una delle altre liste. Posso lavorare con qualcuno di loro. La mia esperienza è avvicinare le persone al consenso. Un esempio di questo sarebbero le raccomandazioni formulate attraverso Obac. Sono un leader efficace e collaborativa. Ho servito su numerosi consigli e comitati e ho esperienza di prima mano con questo.
    Robert Jackson: MM,
    Abbiamo bisogno di grandi progetti su pezzi come Lackawanna Plaza che serviranno come ancoraggi per il resto del Bloomfield Ave e fornire la cache ed i clienti per un mix più attraente.
    Commento di rick
    fa i vigili del fuoco devono essere così grande? possiamo includere alcuni volontari a suplement un reparto più piccolo?
    Harvey Susswein: BitPusher, è del tutto possibile che alcuni dipendenti comunali esistenti finiranno per lavorare per il committente.
    Karen Turner: Montclair progresso reale è impegnata a ridurre il saldo del debito. Ma chiaramente, $ 250M, o quasi $ 7k per cittadino, è troppo.
    Baristanet: Ci piacerebbe per i candidati di affrontare tutte le domande rimanenti non hanno risposto e per fornire qualche dichiarazione finale – tutto ciò che vogliono condividere con i lettori o chiedi / domanda di ogni altro – che non è stato coperto.
    Commento di Cary Africk
    È un dato di fatto che faccio e mi congratulo con la persona brillante Consiglio, che ha spinto attraverso, chiunque esso sia ……
    Commento di Cary Africk
    Karen Turner: Vorremmo anche aggiungere, mentre crediamo che tutti i candidati hanno buone idee, è la capacità Montclair Progress Real per analizzare e realizzare i cambiamenti necessari per preservare Montclair i valori fondamentali e convenienza. Che ci contraddistingue.
    Robert Jackson: Grazie per l’opportunità di partipate in questo forum.
    Chiedo agli elettori di valutare i candidati e le piattaforme delle liste e dei candidati indipendenti attentamente. M2012 è sicuro che rappresenta al meglio il volto e le aspirazioni di Montclair.
    Harvey Susswein: Alla fine della giornata, gli elettori dovrebbero guardare i candidati che hanno l’esperienza, track record, e il temperamento di prendere decisioni che riguardano la loro vita. Il team di Montclair Per incontra questo test e chiediamo il vostro sostegno l’8 maggio. Vota la linea C per il cambiamento.!
    Grazie ancora a tutti i candidati per la partecipazione.

  6. I’m sorry. Sorry for screwing up the thread with all that Italian. Sorry for not being able to read this transcript, for the life of me. If ROC had done the questioning, I might have been able to focus. Would someone please summarize it for me? Or just answer the question: did anyone say anything interesting?

  7. The answers from the mayors were uninspiring. Transparency, working together, and the need for two libraries. Please… Where’s the substance? That debate put me to sleep.

  8. Walleroo, there is just having so much time on one’s hands that one posts beyond the usual bounds of both reason and propriety. And there there is posting at such length (and in Italian, ye! though not the Italian of Dante and Petrarch I remember from a long-ago Renaissance poetry seminar) as to firmly indicate total estrangement from work, friends and even, alas, family. Your most recent post, I humbly suggest, is very mcuh in the latter vein. Perhaps, in fact, its true defining example.

  9. I will attempt a cogent summary tomorrow. I’m too tired to do it tonight. Liz and I, who were on the phone the whole time, did remark to each other every time a candidate really came out and committed to a position. It did happen. About five times. I’ll go through the transcript and rescue them tomorrow.

  10. E ‘tutto schifo. Debbie and Liz, it would be great if you could pull anything substantive from these candidates out of those responses.

  11. Thank you for putting it together. It was good idea; their answers and comments were just vastly underwhelming.

  12. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have commented during the debate. Debbie Galant invited me to participate, so I did, and I thought other Council candidates would appear, too. My mistake.

    I have to say, though, even with six hours’ reflection, that the 1% question still doesn’t do it for me. All of us running for office are speaking to residents all over town. We set up these livingroom chats and nothing makes us happier than when the livingroom is packed. We don’t ask people their income levels.

    Yesterday, all three slates spoke to a very active group of residents from all wards who were good (or masochistic) enough to spend four hours listening to all the candidates. I only wish more people would do this — the fact that there will be only one formal debate for Council candidates (who will have the same voting power in Council as the Mayor), and that the single debate won’t be televised, is a real problem for voters who want to hear more specifics. To hear any citizen-candidate forum characterized as untoward is, in my view, demeaning to all the participants, candidates and voters.

    We really have to remember here that we’re 38,000 neighbors dealing together with some significant issues in our town. Several people have stepped up and put their names forward as volunteers to help. The candidates have different qualifications and views; each voter will have to decide whom he or she best trusts to improve Montclair. I salute everyone who is running, and We’re all going to have to work together after the election — the winners, the losers and everyone else who wants to make the town better.

  13. Roo, I enjoyed your Italian translation, although, my foreign language being useless French, I could understand little of it. However, I admired the magnitude of the effort, which was not unlike that displayed in the interview preceeding, and I discovered, in scrolling down quickly, that if one squints and scrolls rapidly one can make out interesting graphic patterns like a kind of EKG readout of a visual matrix of a campaign interview. I’m sure if I had looked longer, I would have found even greater meaning, and intend perhaps tomorrow to give it another try. Meanwhile, I suggest we all ignore Cathar, whose posts are uniformly disparaging, and offer little solace to anything whatsoever.

  14. Thanks, Kit, but please don’t bother me, I’m busy translating it into the Dutch. I’ve gotten as far as… “Is een van de kandidaten voor het burgemeesterschap in het huis?”

    Does anyone know the Dutch word for “chat”?

  15. ‘roo, it’s praten. I’m working on the slovak version, which looks and sound much more interesting with all those consonants. The word for chat alone is beautiful, rozprávať.

  16. What a fiasco with too many interrupting comments. If it’s a mayoral Q and A why is Jeff Jacobson involved and why is Cary Africk interjecting comments and not questions? Also very disappointing that Turner wasn’t more forceful in her positions. She should be running on a firm platform. Saying we will “consider” and “study” privatizing trash and doing something about the parking authority is weak. The woman and her group were all over town government for the last few years and were quite vocal about things and how they are mismanaged – you would think she would have some pretty specific ideas about this stuff by now. I expect Susswein to waiver and Jackson to ignore any record he had of public service. But hoped that Turner would take real positions and if she wins or loses at least she ran on her positions. I would rather someone run with a real direction and see if people go for it or not. All 3 were weak IMO.

  17. Is not supporting the Bellevue library political suicide? Good thing I’m not running for council. I’m not anti-library (love the library on Fullerton) but the Bellevue branch just seems very underutilized and one library per town seems adequate.

    Cary, the darling of Baristanet, wrote an opinion piece that the mayor of Mtc is kind of like a figurehead that represents the town. So, it just seems incongruous to me to have a mayor that chooses not to send her children to the public schools…I know people here disagree (the Obama parallel argument doesn’t hold any water for me, though, because the two things have nothing to do with each other) but I’m going to say it, anyways. ((wince))

  18. Tudlow, does that mean you would hesitate to vote for a childless person? Or a great 20 something person who doesn’t have kids yet, or a senior? How and where to educate one’s children is such a personal choice, and by choosing MKA i don’t see how that automatically disqualifies her, or means that she doesn’t have an interest in having strong public schools here. If you think that’s the one weakness she has as a candidate, maybe you can ask very specific questions about what she would do as Mayor, who she would appoint to the BOE etc?
    There are so few good choices out there and we are in such a big hole, I’d hate to see someone lose without at least having to explain her positions regarding the schools.

  19. But ‘roo, considering all the Mandarin love Liberals show (this year), perhaps rather than Italian (50 years ago), which is as useless as Kit’s French (40 years ago), you might have chosen the wrong language.

    Though in the 70’s-80’s, Russian would have been more appropriate.

    My thinking is by 2017, Hindi might be in favor. To that:

    Baristanet दुनिया का नियम है.

  20. No, JG, I have nothing against childless people. Or old people. 20 somethings, that’s a different story (did you see the people at the barstool blackout?) That’s a joke btw.

    The school system is one of the reasons people move or don’t move to Montclair. It’s a defining aspect of the town and often a contentious one. And I agree that how/where to educate your children is a personal choice but she is running for mayor. And I would prefer an honest answer as to why she chose not to send her kids to MPS. That’s all I’m really asking for here–an honest answer, which I thought was lacking.

  21. with the proliferation of the internet and information available online, one library with a strong net presence should be fine. get rid of Bellevue and buy a bookmobile to get books to those who somehow can’t make it to South Fullerton Ave.

  22. “And I would prefer an honest answer as to why she chose not to send her kids to MPS. That’s all I’m really asking for here–an honest answer, which I thought was lacking.”

    Why would you be deserving of an “honest answer” about a personal family choice?

  23. From Patch (sorry, Baristas)

    Right of Center

    8:44 pm on Monday, April 2, 2012

    Here’s some questions she could answer.

    1. Why should we put someone who has taken her children out of the public school system in charge of appointing BOE members?

    Fine, let’s start with your question that is deserving of an honest answer.

  24. I think it’s appropriate to ask very pointed questions about what she would do if elected. How she would handle appointments and why. As for an honest answer about why she sent her children to MKA, she shouldn’t have to share those reasons with anyone. Her kids have a right to their privacy.

  25. 1. Why should we put someone who has taken her children out of the public school system in charge of appointing BOE members?

    I think that’s a different question.

  26. Walleroo (dear, sweet, thumb-twiddling walleroo), while I’m sure you find it gratiflying that you apparently from the posts above have at least one fan of your “skill” at Italian, please try to remember that by her own admission she cannot in fact read Italian. She’s also quite likely the sort of person whose idea of great Italian cukltural figures are Chef Boy-ar-dee and Arthur Fonzarelli, whom she also imagines as alive and well and still loving in Milwaukee. With ffriends like these…

    That she actually attempted, even though she does not read Italian, to glean some wisdom from your “translation” merely tells me that when it comes to committing time to such a project as an index of estrangement from work, friends and family, I was wrong. Ms. Schackner is ahead of you. Only by a nose, perhaps, but still, ahead of your own commitment to futility.

  27. I’m not trying to violate her children’s privacy–it’s a little perturbing to me that you are implying I am doing so. I don’t know anything about them and I have no desire to pry.

    I know people who enrolled their children in the public school system and pulled them out because it didn’t work for them. That’s fine, I don’t really care. I was just more interested in her perception of the school system and call me crazy for thinking her decision to go private (from the get-go? I don’t really know) was based on her perception of MPS.

    And if that is the case, what would she do to improve the school system?

    I’m not even sure it’s a deal breaker for me…I was just throwing it out there.

  28. Personally, I love folks who live in town and send their kids to private schools. Not sure I understand why, but hell– their taxes fund my school.


    Now if only I can get them to pay my mortgage too.

    Seriously though, if she won’t answer the question, I won’t consider her. It’s not like she’s Obama faced with a DC public school, and Sidwell, which has already had to deal with the First Kids.

    Frankly (Mr. Shankly), she’s running for office, we’re “allowed” to ask these questions, “personal,” “family” or otherwise. But if she’s so thin skinned (and hasn’t bothered to come up with answer to an obvious question, which tells me something), I don’t think she’s worth my time.

    Oh, and cspn55– That, “BUY A BOOKMOBILE,” comment made my day!!!

  29. Gee prof, what if her kids have Asperger’s Syndrome, or they have low IQ scores, or have some kind of illness or allergy (celiac, peanut allergy). I think it’s fine to ask her what she thinks of the schools – or how she would appoint BOE members and any number of other questions. Maybe she doesn’t think the schools have issues, but maybe her kids do. Or maybe she just thinks they’d get a better education at MKA, and you’re right, it would be good to know that. But it’s up to her to say why.

  30. My question is a different one, Tud.

    Not asking what her personal reasons for sending her children to MKA are. I’m surprised you don’t recognize the difference in our questions.

  31. I am not so concerned about where she sent her kids to school as I do feel that is a personal choice. If she just stated that she felt it was a better fit for her kids, who could argue? I am more concerned with having a president of the Wayne Education Association on the council.

  32. “If she just stated that she felt it was a better fit for her kids, who could argue?”

    That’s exactly what she said.

    “I am more concerned with having a president of the Wayne Education Association on the council.”

    I second that!

  33. ROC, are you surprised because you think I’m really smart and my reasoning is flawed in this specific instance? I’ll take that as a compliment.

    I’m not sure our questions are really that dissimilar. There is an assumption that she does not know the system intimately enough to make sound decisions on BOE appointments. As if a private school education is very distinct from a public school education–different issues that require a different mindset. Maybe you’re right. And maybe I’m assuming that she thought that her children would get a better education at MKA because the test scores don’t put us in the top 50.

    The “I want what is best for my kids, it’s my choice but I still support public schools even though I won’t send my kids to one” argument is perfectly logical. But it doesn’t work for everyone.

    I think this slate decided to put Ms. Turner at the forefront because of her work on CCM and OBAC despite the possible unfavorable perception re: her thoughts on our public school system. In this economic climate and with our tax rate, her experience makes her very appealing. The other candidates on the slate have or had kids in MPS, so they’re covered.

    I don’t want to presume to know what Ms. Turner is thinking or present her in a negative light. I don’t know her but she seems to be very committed and passionate. (I’m only nasty to people who can argue back on this site.)

  34. Kit, if a French translation helps you.

    Baristanet: Je suis un candidat à la mairie dans la maison?
    Robert Jackson, Robert Jackson
    Baristanet: Bonjour, Robert. Bienvenue sur le chat.
    Robert Jackson: Je vous remercie.
    Baristanet: Robert, les autres candidats peuvent avoir des difficultés techniques. Nous avons six minutes avant qu’il ne passe en direct sur Baristanet. Merci pour la tenue.
    Harvey Susswein: Bonjour, Harvey Susswein est en ligne
    Baristanet: Bienvenue, Harvey!
    Baristanet: Grand
    Baristanet: Je suis en attente pour Karen!
    Baristanet: Nous commençons par une question à 16 heures.
    Baristanet: Bienvenue sur le débat. Nous sommes encore quelques petites difficultés techniques. Mais nous commençons par une brève question.
    Commentaire par Karen Turner
    Karen Turner est en ligne.
    Baristanet: Voici notre première question pour chacun de vous, ce qui est le plus grand problème auquel sont confrontés à Montclair?
    Baristanet: Karen? Harvey? Robert?
    Robert Jackson: précaire situation financière de la ville.
    Harvey Susswein: impôts et la dette sont d’énormes problèmes. Mais permettez-moi de noter également le défi de surmonter le cynisme là-bas que le gouvernement à n’importe quel niveau peut travailler pour le peuple. Plutôt que de “DIS” des groupes de citoyens, en les fondant ou en leur refusant l’accès à l’information nécessaire, d’encourager les résidents à Montclair bénévolement de leur temps, talent, et nous les écoutons! Nous allons faire ce que nous disons que nous allons faire et nous allons mettre quelques victoires sur le conseil d’administration au début de notre mandat. Nous devons rétablir la confiance du public que le gouvernement peut travailler.
    Commentaire par Karen Turner
    Les hausses d’impôt font inaccessibles aux personnes tout au long de Montclair Montclair. L’augmentation, comme nous l’avons pas souffert durable. La dette de 250 M $ est une bombe à retardement.
    Baristanet: Nous sommes tous d’accord sur les questions d’argent. Quelles sont vos solutions?
    Commentaire par Invité
    Pourquoi avez-2 bibliothèques nécessaires?
    Baristanet: le maire de Fried est sorti agressive contre commentateurs anonymes sur les blogs. Quelle est votre position sur le commentaire et comment pensez-vous d’interagir en ligne?
    Harvey Susswein: Nous ne pouvons pas réduire notre façon de Montclair un meilleur. Nous devons être intelligents, et pas seulement pas cher. Être intelligent d’économie sur les services de matières premières grâce à l’externalisation sélective et de les restructurer et investir les économies à Montclair maintenir la qualité de la vie.
    Commentaire par Invité
    Comme nous savons que ce sont les candidats et leurs personnes pr?
    Robert Jackson: 15-20 plan de réduction des dettes année avec le CFC recommandations conjnunction.
    Agressif plan de développement économique afin d’améliorer ratables et générer de nouveaux revenus.
    tous les “à utiliser de nouveaux revenus pour la stabilisation budgétaire et de réduction de la dette.
    L’expansion des initiatives de services partagés.
    Baristanet: Invité, nous avons confirmé tous les candidats.
    Baristanet: Les candidats à la mairie, je vous suggère de taper vos réponses à court et à lancer le débat en mouvement.
    Commentaire par Karen Turner
    Une meilleure surveillance financière. Mettre en place un plan budgétaire pour 5 ans. Suivez les conseils de CFC et d’autres experts financiers à l’égard de la gestion de la dette. Émettre un moratoire sur toute dette non-essentiel pour deux ans pour terminer nos projets en cours. Tapez en compte les compétences de la communauté. Concentrez-vous sur un plan à long terme pour le plan de développement économique de se concentrer sur la génération de revenus. Utilisez des moyens novateurs d’offrir des services et de mesurer le rendement.
    Baristanet: retour à la bibliothèque question, n’est pas considéré comme un reduncancy 2 bibliothèques.
    Harvey Susswein: Pour l’ardoise Montclair a pris la position que nous allons travailler avec le Conseil de la Bibliothèque d’accroître la branche Bellevue trois jours par semaine. Nous croyons que cela est possible dans le budget de la bibliothèque existante.
    Baristanet: Soit dit en passant, les lecteurs – nous prenons quelques observations afin que le débat puisse s’écouler. nous publierons sous peu.
    Commentaire par Scott K.
    En tant que nouveau résident de Montclair, je me demande si vous pourriez nous expliquer pourquoi les frais sont relativement élevés et le lycée est classé juste dans la moyenne tout au long de l’État et que feriez-vous pour réduire cet écart.
    Robert Jackson: Je ne considère deux redondance. Beaucoup de personnes âgées et les parents avec de petits enfants à utiliser la branche beaucoup et c’est la seule ressource disponible.
    Baristanet: Karen, vous avez une opinion sur la succursale de la bibliothèque?
    Commentaire par Invité
    M. Jackson, parce que les gens ne peuvent pas utiliser la branche centrale? pour raison de convenance?
    Commentaire par Karen Turner
    Réel progrès Montclair Montclair Bibliothèque publique soutient absolument. La ville doit cesser d’essayer d’équilibrer son budget sur le dos de la bibliothèque. Nous allons travailler avec le Conseil de la bibliothèque pour chercher des façons novatrices de maintenir efficacement notre bibliothèque (s) ouvert.
    Harvey Susswein: Nos impôts sont élevés en partie en raison de l’absence de ratables commerciales. Nous avons désespérément besoin de restaurer une fonction de développement économique. Montclair n’a pas été correctement vente même. D’autres villes sont.
    Baristanet: Harvey, signifie que la restauration de la MEDC?
    Baristanet: Eileen Sheehan et le travail début?
    Commentaire par Scott K.
    Voulez-vous essayer de vendre la propriété, si la ville? Quelle est votre position sur la terre Wildwood Avenue? Qu’en est-il le refinancement de la dette existante?
    Harvey Susswein: Ou quelque chose comme ça. Nous avons également besoin d’un point d’entrée unique pour les gens d’affaires qui veulent créer ici pour parcourir les diverses approbations de la ville.
    Robert Jackson: Montclair est souvent comparée à l’école avec une population plus homogène dans les communautés à revenu élevé. la performance de nos écoles ont besoin pour améliorer dans tous les cas. Une partie de la plus petite d’apprentissage communites innovante établie à MHS aidera énormément. Nous devons travailler plus fort pour passer plus de nos dollars dans classsrooms éducation.
    Commentaire par Redrum
    Comment pensez-vous de la forte concentration de logements abordables dans le quartier 4? Il est temps de laisser un peu de l’AH a pas de délai pour réduire le fardeau sur les résidents du quartier 4 °?
    Harvey Susswein: Nous nous opposons à la vente de n’importe quelle ville asset5s pour moins de la valeur totale du marché, compte tenu des pressions financières de la ville. Cela inclut les propriétés à Wildwood.
    Baristanet: Harvey – signifie que cela mettrait les propriétés à des prix abordables à Wildwood?
    Commentaire par Redrum
    Quel est le ward 1. J’ai demandé au ministère 4.
    Robert Jackson: La vente de biens doit être dans le jeu.
    Je pense que la décision porte Wildwood réexamen dans le but de le tenir espace ouvert comme la priorité numéro un. J’ai été intéressé de voir où les “offrandes” pour les lots vont
    Nous avons besoin de refiinance une part encore plus importante de notre dette à court terme pour stabiliser la dette à long terme.
    Karen Turner: la vente de biens de En premier lieu nous avons besoin de mettre en plan de 5 ans et à long terme. Ensuite, vous devez mettre en place des groupes de travail, tels que Shelley Lombardo a fait avec le BOE a fait d’explorer diverses questions, y compris la vente de biens ou de mettre l’autorité de stationnement municipal de fonctionner en interne ou sous-traiter.
    Wildwood: Nous soutenir le logement abordable dans toute la ville. Toutefois, aucune terre devrait être vendu à un prix inférieur aux taux du marché à la situation financière actuelle de notre ville.
    Passif: Nous allons procéder à un examen approfondi de toutes les dettes en suspens et le canton de refinancement, le cas échéant, de réduire les coûts.
    Harvey Susswein: oui. Le logement abordable est une question séparée et distincte de la vente Wildwood. Nous soutenons les valeurs de logements abordables dans l’arrondissement. Il ya des approches plus intelligentes.
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Dissolution de la CFC était une erreur. Nous devons réfléchir à combien de dettes à convertir ST. Taux d’intérêt plus élevés pourraient avoir un impact majeur sur le budget de fonctionnement. Ces mesures doivent être considérées de la dette.
    Baristanet: Revenons à une question qui va bientôt se répandre. Maire Fried est sorti agressive contre commentateurs anonymes sur les blogs. Quelle est votre position sur le commentaire et comment pensez-vous d’interagir en ligne?
    Qu’avez-vous appris de votre Fried, et comment voulez-vous être différent?
    Robert Jackson: Le ministère a apporté du quart du poids de l’AH sans aucun doute.
    M2012 mesures incitatives pour encourager le développement dans les zones “Downtown” d’autres ministères, par exemple à l’appui de la croissance intelligente pour notre ville et de mettre AH proximité des transports publics et d’autres services essentiels.
    Baristanet: Karen, Robert, Harvey – Fried vai la demande.
    Robert Jackson: la question Fried?
    Baristanet: Revenons à une question qui va bientôt se répandre. Maire Fried est sorti agressive contre commentateurs anonymes sur les blogs. Quelle est votre position sur le commentaire et comment pensez-vous d’interagir en ligne?
    Commentaire par Jeff Jacobson
    Ce format ne se prête pas à des réponses détaillées, mais Harvey Susswein ardoise “Pour Montclair” a énoncés de politique détaillés sur de nombreuses questions. Vous pouvez les trouver sur notre site,
    Baristanet: Qu’avez-vous appris de votre Fried, et comment voulez-vous être différent?
    Harvey Susswein: Nous devons être beaucoup plus ouvert à considérer les contributions incroyables des citoyens de Montclair. C’est une richesse de talents et de compétences qui nous avons l’intention de bénéficier, en contraste avec l’actuel Conseil.
    Baristanet: Merci, Jeff, pour entrer dans le débat.
    Commentaire par Scott K.
    Que feriez-vous en particulier à attirer de nouvelles entreprises et le commerce à Montclair?
    Baristanet: Harvey, pensez-vous Fried est responsable de la ville qui ne bénéficient pas de la richesse des talents dans la ville?
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Le logement abordable est semblable à tout autre endroit. Pourquoi est-il mauvais d’avoir, même dans le quartier quatrième? Et dans le deuxième service, en plus de la rue Talbot, il ya un certain nombre de caractéristiques idéales pour AH ne seront toujours pas quitter le HomeCorp ville même regarder. Pourquoi le désir de sanctionner le Premier Ward?
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Qu’est-ce que j’ai appris de Fried est la nécessité de «compter jusqu’à quatre.« J’ai aussi appris les individus peuvent détourner l’ordre du jour du Conseil.
    Robert Jackson: le maire de Fried est engagée dans le développement du centre et c’est une bonne chose. Je voudrais utiliser mes 25 ans d’expérience en développement ot accélérer la vitesse et améliorer la vision de ces projets à Montclair.
    Harvey Susswein: oui. Le Conseil démantelé un groupe (CFC) et relégué à un autre (Obac) le dépôt de la liberté de l’information–nécessaire pour obtenir les informations nécessaires, par exemple ..
    Karen Turner: Montclair Progress Real croit bonnes idées provenant de toute source sont toujours les bienvenus. La clé est une bonne communication et la transparence avec tous les citoyens. Nous allons utiliser le site de la ville et d’autres moyens de communication plus efficace. Le site web sera un plus moderne et plus interactif prises pour l’échange de bonnes idées.
    Baristanet: Nous avons entendu que certains des plus riches résident Montclair a demandé une réunion privée avec chacun d’entre vous ce week-end. Est-il vrai? Il y avait quelque chose de spécial “Montclair de 1 pour cent”?
    Harvey Susswein: Nous avons eu une complète (et épuisant) un calendrier de réunions-et-salue toute la ville.
    Robert Jackson: Nous devons mettre le règlement de zonage en place correcte de créer intéressante projets de développement. Deuxièmement, nous devons être sur place pour fournir de l’information et de réduire les formalités administratives pour les entreprises qui cherchent à venir à Montclair. Une entreprise omsbudsman est essentiel.
    Baristanet: Robert, Karen? Avez-vous entendu d’une demande particulière par les résidents pour les riches privés en tête-à-un le week-end?
    Commentaire par Jeff Jacobson
    Cette question était de 1% en dessous de la dignité de ce débat. Tous les trois listes ont des réunions avec les citoyens dans toute la ville. Nous sommes tous des voisins qui travaillent dur pour convaincre nos concitoyens qui ont les meilleures idées pour Montclair. Nous regardons les questions, s’il vous plaît.
    Baristanet: Où vous situez-vous sur la privatisation de la collecte des déchets?
    Commentaire par Invité
    «Entreprise Omsbudsman est essentiel. ”
    Commentaire par Invité
    “Une entreprise omsbudsman est crucial.” Ce sera un poste rémunéré?
    Karen Turner: Je voudrais l’École Comité consultatif du Conseil que le maire Fried mis en place pour aider à rechercher et localiser les meilleurs candidats à l’adhésion du Conseil de l’éducation.
    En outre, l’attention du conseil municipal doit toujours représenter les intérêts de la communauté et non pas sur des projets personnels.
    Robert Jackson: Un groupe de citoyens concernés invités à discuter avec les listes M2012 et d’autres. Si 1% n’ont pas été nous a dit.
    Baristanet: Parlons de la collecte des déchets, services d’incendie et de Montclair parking. Short and sweet, que changeriez-vous?
    Harvey Susswein: Nous avons besoin de comparer un large éventail de fonctions municipales par rapport à ce que les fournisseurs externes peuvent offrir. L’hygiène est certes élevé sur cette liste, car de nombreuses communautés NJ sont de sauver des centaines de milliers de dollars. Nous avons besoin de poser la question.
    Karen Turner: Montclair progrès réel ne connais pas la situation financière de tous les participants qui ont participé à des nombreux cafés.
    Commentaire par Invité
    Jeff Jacobson est le candidat à la mairie pour Montclair?
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Nous avons eu une commission pour le développement économique Montclair. L’offre était un directeur commercial agressive de développement. La ville a besoin d’investir dans le développement des affaires. Une personne a versé pourrait exploiter les ressources des citoyens. MEDC a été une bonne affaire!
    Baristanet: réponses Passons à l’incendie, les parcs, les déchets.
    Robert Jackson: J’espère que le médiateur peut être financé par une subvention de développement économique que nous étudions.
    Harvey Susswein: En cas d’incendie, Montclair ne pas avoir à choisir entre une mauvaise affaire, et pas d’accord avec Glen Ridge. Montclair et Bloomfield participé à une course vers le bas l’offre, notre «victoire» était une perte pour les contribuables Montclair. Cela va ouvrir des discussions avec tous nos voisins à travailler ensemble de manière efficace, et des fonds publics nouvellement disponibles continuera à aider à cette régionalisation.
    Baristanet: Harvey, vous allez à une consolidation avec une autre ville?
    Karen Turner: Si la privatisation fournira un excellent service à un coût inférieur à tous ses citoyens, nous considérons qu’il est. Toutes ces choses sont sur la table, afin d’assurer la santé financière de Montclair et durabilité à long terme.
    Baristanet: Nous avions juste demandé pour le stationnement. De nombreux acheteurs – et les propriétaires de restaurants et de boutiques – vous vous plaignez qu’il est de dissuader les gens de venir au centre-ville de Montclair. Il établit l’autorité d’un parc de stationnement une priorité?
    Baristanet: Cela affecte aussi la question du développement économique.
    Harvey Susswein: la régionalisation de feu et d’autres fonctions telles que le contrôle des animaux sont certainement digne d’être poursuivi.
    Robert Jackson: Pas intéressé à revivre le passé. L’affaire est conclue. Si nous nous retirons de Bloomfield fera l’affaire. La ligne du bas est le MFD minimum consacre des ressources pour servir GR. Pour ma part, ne compromettent pas ces fonds.
    Quelle est votre politique d’ouverture – tels que la divulgation des dépenses en ligne BOE et municipaux et si quelque chose – vous pensez qu’il devrait rester privé? Vous souhaitez arrêter de les untelevised “pré-session” réunions, et toutes les réunions en bas avec les caméras de roulement?
    Karen Turner: Real Parking Authority progrès Montclair pense que c’est une priorité. Nous allons enquêter sur apportant à l’interne en PA qui se traduira par des économies pour Montclair.
    Karen Turner: Les progrès plate-forme entière Montclair réel est basée sur la transparence et une communication claire à tous les résidents de toutes les questions municipales.
    Baristanet: Coming demain soir: Où vous situez-vous sur le sol pour mettre en avant de la Assisted Living Sienne?
    Et si l’actuel Conseil de décider cela.
    Harvey Susswein: Nous sommes pour l’ouverture et la transparence totale. Le Conseil détient actuellement deux réunions par mois, le minimum légal. Je saute mes collègues conseillers municipaux ont décidé de tenir une troisième réunion de chaque mois consacré à la collecte de faits, de groupes de nouvelles, de conseil, et parvenir à un consensus sur la stratégie et les priorités. Bien entendu, ces sessions seront ouvertes et à la télévision.
    Robert Jackson: La question l’autorité parking / stationnement doit être incorporé dans un plan global pour le développement économique dans notre CDB. projets de développement nécessaires pour intégrer le parking de la CDB addtional ..
    Commentaire par Invité
    Voulez-vous nommer des personnes à la BOE, qui cherchera à partager des services (comme il) avec la ville?
    Harvey Susswein: La vie proposée assistée a reçu peu ou pas de débat public .. Ce n’est pas la voie à prendre d’importantes décisions d’utilisation des terres.
    Karen Turner: les grandes questions de la planification des immobilisations à long terme et le développement doivent être soigneusement analysées, il faudra probablement sur la durée de l’actuel conseil.
    Commentaire par Scott K.
    J’apprécie l’occasion de poser des questions (il est à espérer que de nombreux résidents ont un intérêt). Ma dernière question est, chacun d’entre vous pourrait identifier un aspect important de votre plate-forme et / ou des plans qui diffère des deux autres candidats? Merci beaucoup pour votre temps.
    Robert Jackson: Je “voudrais en savoir plus sur le succès des installations de logement avec assistance dans les zones centrales, mais la réalité est que la vie a été considérée comme une utilisation assistée par nature bénéfique de l’utilisation des terres loi du New Jersey et finalement être approuvée que si les développeurs repousser le problème.
    Baristanet: procédure, cependant, si le Conseil doivent maintenant attendre et de laisser le nouveau conseil décide Robert?
    Karen Turner: Oui, tous les services partagés entre la Ville et la BOE, qui se traduit par un meilleur service, une plus grande efficacité et une réduction des coûts seront poursuivis à la liste de Montclair un réel progrès.
    Robert Jackson: IT Purchsing, Mainitence, sont tous sur la table pour les échanges intra-agence des services.
    Commentaire par Joe M
    Les écoles fonctionnent bien, à votre avis? Qu’est-ce que l’amélioration la plus importante que vous aimeriez voir réalisés au cours de son mandat de maire?
    Harvey Susswein: Nous avons passé beaucoup de temps et d’efforts pour présenter des documents dans plus d’une douzaine de questions dans la ville sur notre site de https://www.formontclair, com. Je ne suis pas conscient du fait que d’autres listes étaient si frappantes.
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Notre consultant sur le Parking Authority a conclu que la notion d’autorité a été mieux, mais que les gens avaient besoin de changer. Je suis d’accord. Je frémis à l’idée de mettre cela dans la maison. Cesser de se concentrer sur les autorités à la maison et se concentrer sur l’aide au développement faisant voiture de société parc et faire le travail d’une opération rentable.
    Baristanet: Mettons cela de façon plus succincte: C’est une catastrophe Parking à Montclair? Pour les acheteurs et pour le centre?
    Robert Jackson: Je pense qu’il serait prudent de procéder à. Je pense simplement qu’il est utile de connaître les règles du jeu.
    Karen Turner: Montclair progrès réel a émis un moratoire sur les questions de la dette pour les articles non essentiels. Nous avons également dit qu’il émettra un plan budgétaire de 5 ans. Nous avons beaucoup de solutions spécifiques qui ont été mises en œuvre avec succès et réduit les coûts dans d’autres municipalités à travers le pays inclus dans notre plate-forme de document.
    Baristanet: Robert, qu’entend-on, aussi prudent?
    Baristanet: Avez-vous soutenir le projet de la rue South Park?
    Harvey Susswein: Le stationnement est effectivement un point sensible. J’ai lu le rapport du consultant et mystifie am pourquoi le Conseil n’a pas audiences pour valider ou infirmer les résultats.
    Robert Jackson: Notre plate-forme est davantage axé sur les recettes à nouveau. L’avenir de la ville ne réside pas avec des coupes draconiennes dans le court terme, mais avec une gestion prudente des dépenses et l’introduction de possibilités intelligentes qui sont basés sur les points forts de cette ville, par exemple les stations de train 6.
    Harvey Susswein: South Park ont ​​soutenu le projet comme un investissement dans notre avenir économique. Nous essayons d’attirer des investissements dans notre centre.
    Commentaire par BitPusher
    Un des points discutés lors du déjeuner des maires a été de réduire le fardeau fiscal en réduisant la main-d’œuvre. La plupart des moyens proposés pour réduire les coûts, tels que les services partagés et l’externalisation implique des réductions de personnel. Comment proposez-vous faire avec ça? Une combinaison de gel de l’embauche, l’attrition et la reconversion des travailleurs en restant? Les mises à pied? Buyouts? Workersworkers transfert Montclair entreprise à externaliser?
    Robert Jackson: Il serait prudent pour le prochain Conseil de prendre la décision finale sur la structure de AL.
    Karen Turner: Les écoles obtiennent de bons résultats. Il ya toujours place à amélioration. Au cours de notre période, nous aimerions voir une technologie échelle de la ville mis en œuvre une initiative qui serait bénéfique à la fois la Ville et les écoles publiques.
    Baristanet: Il est sorti, Karen, pour envoyer vos enfants à l’école privée. Il s’agit d’un faux problème, ou est important pour la sélection d’un BOE et améliorer l’éducation à Montclair?
    Harvey Susswein: mises à pied à travers le conseil d’administration ne sont pas la réponse. Nous avons déjà réduit à l’os, cependant, nous devons nous attaquer à la restructuration, y compris la privatisation, où les économies sera la plus importante. Il ya plusieurs façons de structurer ces offres pour préserver les emplois basés à Montclair.
    Robert Jackson: Le recul est toujours 20/20. Je n’aurais pas voté pour le PAPS au moment où il a pris la décision sans un meilleur niveau de confort sur le remboursement. J’espère que la majorité de ce Conseil prouve que j’ai tort.
    Karen Turner: Je sais que le système scolaire public est l’épine dorsale de cette ville. Je suis un produit des écoles publiques. Je soutiens la BOE de tout le travail que vous avez fait au cours des dernières années. J’ai l’appui et le soutien des présidents de la ZEP, les membres de la classe MFEE, des mères et certains des bénévoles les plus actifs dans le système scolaire public. Ils savent que je me suis engagé et dédié aux écoles publiques à Montclair.
    Si votre ardoise ensemble n’est pas élu, comment allez-vous éviter une «dysfonctionnel Conseil” Environnement, comme celle qui a sévi dans nos conseils d’aujourd’hui? Parlant de la dysfonction, vous n’avez pas d’opinion sur les élections de mai à déplacer Novemeber et vous revoir?
    Karen Turner: A, rue South Park, nous soutenons ce projet, mais pas une mauvaise surveillance ou des dépassements de coûts. Projets de dépenses en immobilisations en cours devraient être revus afin d’éviter les limites de coût ou d’une malfaçon.
    Commentaire par Mike Morgan
    Comment pouvons-nous éviter d’avoir rien d’autre que la pizza, les salons de beauté, centre de fitness et des boutiques de yogourt glacé? Sérieusement, nous n’avons pas besoin de fournir plus d’un mélange d’activités?
    Harvey Susswein: J’ai une bonne relation avec Renée Baskerville, et sachant la plupart des autres candidats. Je ne prévois aucun problème à travailler avec l’un d’eux, même si je suis d’enracinement pour mon équipe à Montclair.
    Robert Jackson: Le personnel est local à l’os à ce point dans de nombreux domaines. Nous avons encore à examiner d’autres possibilités telles que l’externalisation pour voir si opportunites supplémentaires pour la maîtrise des coûts et la réduction existe. Cependant, la véritable clé pour nous sera d’acheter des services agrgessively partagés.
    Commentaire par Invité
    Qu’est-ce qu’un niveau acceptable d’endettement? 100 millions, 50 millions, etc?
    Commentaire par BitPusher
    HHarvey, cela signifie qu’ils ne vont pas à réduire la main-d’œuvre?
    Karen Turner: Je pourrais être l’un des autres listes. Je peux travailler avec l’un d’eux. Mon expérience est amener les gens à un consensus. Un exemple de ceci serait les recommandations formulées par Obac. Je suis un leader efficace et collaboratif. J’ai servi à de nombreux conseils et comités, et j’ai l’expérience de première main à ce sujet.
    Robert Jackson: MM,
    Nous avons besoin de grands projets en tant que parties de Lackawanna Plaza qui serviront de points d’ancrage pour le reste de Bloomfield Ave et la mise en cache et les clients pour un mélange plus attrayante.
    Commentaire par rick
    ne pompiers doivent être si grand? nous pouvons inclure des bénévoles pour suplement un petit ministère?
    Harvey Susswein: BitPusher, il est tout à fait possible que certains employés municipaux existants finiront par travailler pour l’acheteur.
    Karen Turner: Montclair progrès réel s’est engagé à réduire sa dette existante. Mais il est clair, 250 millions de dollars, soit près de 7k par citoyen, aussi.
    Baristanet: Nous aimerions que les candidats à répondre à toutes les questions restantes n’ont pas répondu et de fournir toute déclaration finale – tout ce que vous voulez partager avec les lecteurs ou demander / exiger les uns des autres – qui n’a pas été couverte.
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Comme une question de fait que je fais et je tiens à féliciter la personne qui brille Conseil, qui a poussé à travers, quel qu’il soit ……
    Commentaire par Cary Africk
    Karen Turner: Nous tenons également à ajouter, si nous croyons que tous les candidats ont de bonnes idées, est la capacité à analyser les progrès Montclair réel et mettre en œuvre les changements nécessaires pour préserver les valeurs fondamentales de Montclair et de commodité. Ce qui nous distingue.
    Robert Jackson: Merci pour l’opportunité de partipate dans ce forum.
    Je demande aux électeurs d’évaluer les candidats et les plates-formes, et des listes de candidats indépendants avec soin. M2012 est certain que représente le mieux le visage et les aspirations de Montclair.
    Harvey Susswein: A la fin de la journée, les électeurs devraient examiner les candidats qui ont l’expérience, les antécédents, et le tempérament de prendre des décisions qui affectent leurs vies. L’équipe de Montclair pour répondre à ce test et nous demandons votre soutien le 8 mai. Taux sur la ligne C pour le changement.!
    Merci encore à tous les candidats à la participation.

  35. Tudlow, I don’t think your concerns are unreasonable. I would think that this subject comes to mind for most. Karen has the backing of many of the PTA Mom’s and quite a few of the MFEE folks. That sends a very important message to me. I think if you poke around a bit, you will be pleasantly surprised at the support Karen has from folks very active in the schools.

  36. Kathryn Weller-Demming said Turner is not qualified to be mayor because her children attend private schools. “The mayor appoints school board members so we need a mayor with kids in the public school system,” she said. With “reasoning” like that, wouldn’t it make sense not to hold one individual responsible for appointing all of our school board members? Also, since KWD is Deputy Mayor, wouldn’t she be the one responsible for appointing school board members if anything happened to Fried? Since KWD does not have kids old enough to be in the public school system, would that mean she’s also unqualified to appoint school board members?

  37. “The “I want what is best for my kids, it’s my choice but I still support public schools even though I won’t send my kids to one” argument is perfectly logical. But it doesn’t work for everyone.”

    It’s not a relevant issue, if you ask me. Someone may have a private backyard pool yet support public pools. They may never use the library yet support a public library. They may have great private health insurance yet support socialized medicine…

    I don’t know many people who, if they had the financial wherewithal, would not send their kids to a private school. I don’t doubt for one second that it’s not a better education in a private school. I think you’ll get a better education at Princeton than at Rutgers, at Columbia rather than CCNY.

  38. Excuse me, but KWD saying that Karen Turner is somehow not qualified to be mayor since she sends her children to private schools is patently ludicrous. First of all, KWD apparently never finished college, and it wasn’t to go and found Microsoft. She chose to attend Hampshire College, defined in the “urban dictionary” as follows: “An experimental liberal arts college near Amherst, MA. Beloved and/or derided for having no grades, unorthodox classes, and a student body of hippies,eccentrics, and the occasional knife fetishist.” So, here we have the mother of a toddler, herself without any children in the public school system, and a college dropout, casting the weigh and gravitas of her opinion on Karen Turner’s competence. Priceless…

  39. The school represents the town to a much greater extent than a public pool or library does. And some people are hesitant to move here because they don’t feel the school ranks high enough. And the mayor’s actions can reasonably be interpreted as a reflection that our schools are subpar.

    (I’m just playing devil’s advocate, something I am assuming you are very good at.)

    So, only middle class and low SES families send their kids to MPS? Interesting. And what assumptions do you make about the people who could afford to send their kids to private but don’t?

    As an aside, there has been a plethora of people lately that did not go to public schools, do not send their kids to public schools yet write movie scripts, books and articles and influence education policy in this country–with no firsthand experience. I find that arrogant and paternalistic.

  40. “The school represents the town to a much greater extent than a public pool or library does. And some people are hesitant to move here because they don’t feel the school ranks high enough. And the mayor’s actions can reasonably be interpreted as a reflection that our schools are subpar.”

    I also don’t see the public schools as a tool or calling card for real estate values. That’s the very LAST thing I want the mayor to BOE to be thinking about.

    “As an aside, there has been a plethora of people lately that did not go to public schools, do not send their kids to public schools yet write movie scripts, books and articles and influence education policy in this country–with no firsthand experience.”

    Well no firsthand experience except paying their hard-earned tax dollars to fund the enterprise. How dare they express their non-expert opinions! Why next, we’ll have people who’ve never been in the military protesting wars!

  41. And that includes Obama.

    I gotta run, though. This was by far the most pleasant exchange I have had with you, ROC.

    Good day, sir.

  42. Ha, I wrote too soon! I take it back! I love non-expert opinions, we need more of them and we need tons of legislation based on them.

    Thanks for that.

  43. “As an aside, there has been a plethora of people lately that did not go to public schools, do not send their kids to public schools yet write movie scripts, books and articles and influence education policy in this country–with no firsthand experience.”

    I don’t see that first hand experience matters here. It’s possible to be an expert in any number of fields, including public education, without having had first hand experience.

  44. I made eye contact with Karen Turner, and asked her a few simple questions prior to signing her petition. She struck me as a capable and intelligent woman, unlike her detractor. Public vs private schooling is a choice that people make that is not based primarily upon the divisive issues that some here would have us think. It is not an “us versus them” question at all. I know surprisingly many families who send their children to both public and private schools, depending upon the specific needs and abilities of their children. Conversely, sending one’s child to a private school does automatically tar those parents as not caring about the public system. Whether or not they use the system, their taxes fund it, so it is logical that they would want it to be as good as possible. There is also the sense of community pride. The public school system is chock full of students whose families could have gone the private route without a thought as to the costs, but chose not to. This issue is a feeble attempt at creating a schism where one shouldn’t really exist.

  45. The idea that Karen Turner is somehow less qualified to be Mayor because her kids go to private school is personally insulting.

    As someone who went to the public schools in Montclair and has two children in the system, I would not be running with Karen if I didn’t think she was 100% committed to making the pubic schools even stronger.

    Our campaign is brimming with PTA moms supporting Karen and the rest of our slate. Furthermore, Chris Swenson and LeeAnne Carlson, the other Real Progress Montclair candidates, also have or have had kids in the public schools and they feel the same way.

    And just an FYI.. Robert Jackson went to MKA but you shouldn’t hold that against him either.

    Peter Zorich
    At-Large Candidate
    “Real Progress Montclair”

  46. deadeye, I agree with you. We have our kids in public school and could afford private. So I appreciate you not passing judgment on these families. I suppose I should do the same with Karen Turner.

    But I don’t agree with you, JG. Too many people are posing as experts these days without the expertise to do so, i.e., climate change. Steven Brill’s book Class Warfare comes to mind when considering education reform. It’s all just a reductive narrative with the heroes (charter schools, billionaire philanthropists) versus the villains (unions, “bad” teachers) that usually ignores the powerful effects of poverty. Easy answers for a multidimensional, complex problem.

  47. I agree, ROC. Some people pose as experts, some people are experts. I’m just saying one can be an expert without first hand experience. I know many good oncologists who have never had cancer, etc. There are many criteria and I’m just pointing out that first hand experience isn’t necessarily key, there are probably many people with kids in the public system that would make lousy mayors. Look at what we have now!

  48. I’m glad Mr. Zorich made that statement, ROC. Doesn’t seem overly finger-wagging to me, though his comment would have done its job without the first sentence.

    That said, I can definitely see the “devil’s advocate” point that Tudlow made above — i.e., the ‘figurehead’ issue. It’s not a completely-irrelevant consideration. It isn’t a dealbreaker for me, but it might be for some.

  49. I’m with you gurl, all the way. I think you are confusing my post with someone else’s. My “how dare they” was meant to be ironic.

  50. “I’m glad Mr. Zorich made that statement, ROC.”

    I have to say that:

    “The idea that Karen Turner is somehow less qualified to be Mayor because her kids go to private school is personally insulting.”

    is perhaps the most illuminating comment a candidate has made in this election so far. I’d give it an “8” on my patented eye-rolling scale.

  51. I see your point, JG but I see a difference between an oncologist who is cancer free and treating cancer patients and a journalist who has spent little time in the classroom and ignores most of the people that have yet poses as an expert.

    I don’t usually play devil’s advocate. Don’t usually stir the pot, but this was interesting.

    If I insulted Karen Turner and her running mates, that was not my intention. I was just thinking through something that I was struggling with and I know I’m not the only one.

  52. Gaaaaa, I’m so confused. Who agrees with who?

    (I really need to get away from my computer.)

  53. I would have perhaps substituted “personally insulting” with “personally upsetting, because I know she is a staunch ally and supporter of the Montclair schools”.

  54. “journalist who has spent little time in the classroom and ignores most of the people that have yet poses as an expert.”

    I get it, but in any field there are people who claim some kind of expertise for whatever reason even if they aren’t qualified to do so. I think comparing someone running for Mayor with “us vs. them” education experts might be a little bit of a stretch here. You can always ask Ms. Turner directly what her point of views are regarding private vs. public, charter schools etc. And although schools are key, so is managing a whole host of other fiscal problems right now. I’m actually more concerned about the trolley than the private education of her children.

  55. If I had money to burn, I too would send my only child to a private school. I don’t, so he attends a public school.

  56. I’m not comparing Turner to Brill. It was tangential and that’s why I started the paragraph with “As an aside.” Everyone thinks they are experts in education because they went to school themselves. I don’t like absolutes and I don’t like simplistic answers to complex problems. Tangential, I know. I’ll stop.

    It’s always a little “us vs them,” though, isn’t it? It’s unavoidable.

    I obviously am a staunch supporter of public education, have worked in the field, read about it extensively, choose to send my kids to a public school. I suppose that’s why I posed the question.

    I find this race to be very confusing…I don’t know who to vote for and I’ve been paying attention. I seem to recall reading somewhere that Montclair has not elected a mayor for two consecutive terms in 50 years or something like that. That seems odd to me and perhaps a little telling.

  57. Back in the stone ages when I was in elementary school, we would refer to ourselves as “catholics” or “publics”.

  58. “I find this race to be very confusing…I don’t know who to vote for and I’ve been paying attention.”

    I agree completely and I’ve been paying lots of attention, too. And speaking of which–how come no yard signs yet? All I’ve seen so far are for some guy named Mark Tirondola, and I don’t even see him listed on any of the slates. Perhaps he’s a write-in candidate like Ted Mattox?

  59. Stu, that nobody is elected for two terms–there is something going on here, no? I don’t know if it’s because nobody wants to subject themselves to the torture of trying to run this town twice or if the voters are never happy and always looking for some silver bullet.

    Howard, we had some of that in my house when I was growing up. I was a heathen public while my younger brothers were altar boy catholics. Lots of animosity and posturing at the dinner table.

    complainer, I think Tirondola and Jack Finn are competing as the write-in candidates.

  60. I don’t buy the argument that to make BOE appointments you should have/had kids in the public schools. Having been a public-school parent does not automatically qualify anyone to make those kinds of choices. Seems like a straw-man argument to use against someone who for whatever reason chose to go private for her kids’ education–which is nobody’s business.

  61. ” I don’t like absolutes and I don’t like simplistic answers to complex problems.”

    Except that people who send their kids to private school are not qualified to be mayor?

  62. That arguement is, I suppose, as valid as the one that says union reps are not qualified to serve on councils.

  63. I never said that, ROC. I said it seemed incongruous to me and made it pretty clear that it was something I was thinking about/through. I never came down hard on the issue and I even said I was playing devil’s advocate.

    You can save your gotcha stuff for another time.

  64. I find it interesting that, while so many posters here have found the time to post intelligently and passionately about local politics, none (insofar as I can tell) are in fact running for local office themselves.

    Walleroo, for example, takes the time to “translate” transcripts (shakily, I’d suggest) into Italian. So is that the extent of his community involvement?

    And surely folks like ROC, tudlow, herbeverschemel and several others couldn’t, at the very least, be appreciably worse than the current crop of actual candidates.

  65. Turner’s children go go private school means all her taxes that goes to education is paying for other children to attend PS. With her children not in the system she can be more impartial when selecting members of the BOE. Everyone on here is penny pinching every tax dollar you should be thanking her instead of dragging her children into the debate

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