montclair superintendent
A section of the letter

Despite Dr. Penny MacCormack publicly expressing her opposition to a charter school, an anonymous letter is being circulated in Montclair schools and some homes attempting to connect the Montclair Superintendent to Uncommon Schools, an organization whose mission is to “start and manage outstanding urban charter public schools that close the achievement gap and prepare low-income students to graduate from college.”

The three page unsigned letter titled “Montclair Public School, The New Uncommon CHARTER,” was received by Barista Kids yesterday, a day after Dr. MacCormack held her “Wisdom Sharing” event with the community.

This anonymous letter, which is reportedly being left in faculty and staff mailboxes, suggests that because of a Board member’s ties to Uncommon Schools, that various “charter school practices” have been and will be introduced into the district. To further support its allegation that charter school practices are being implemented, the letter also claims that a member of the former Mayor’s committee that recommended BoE members, is the Managing Director of North Star Academies—nine schools that are part of Uncommon Schools.

It also accuses the Superintendent of not clearly sharing specific plans, while acknowledging that she has been on a “listening tour.”

Dr. MacCormack is aware of the letter and said that she doesn’t feel an anonymous letter requires any further statement on her part.

When reached for comment, Board President Robin Kulwin responded that she had seen the letter, noting it was “filled with outright lies and distortions of fact. As always, I am available and will answer any question from any Township resident…who has the courtesy to identify themselves.”