Glen Ridge Marching Band
Pictured standing, l-r: Hank Felix, Lane Darby, Lucy Smeets, Sajan Ramanathan, Sonja Dombrowski, Alyssa Smolen, David Banoub, Lev Kolinski, Graham Deubner; Kneeling, l-r: Aidan O’Connor, Margaret Marino, Becky Fink, Noriaki To, James Carey. Photo credit: Osvaldo Umana

“Shako,” “Lyre” and “Parade Rest” are just a few of the many terms the Glen Ridge High School Marching band revealed to its 14 new “rookie” members for the 2013-2014 season. The Band added players in all music sections: four percussionists (two marching, two playing in the pit), five saxophone players, two on clarinet, one on trombone, and two flag-twirling color guard, round out this year’s additions.

“It is great to see such bright-eyed enthusiasm these new kids bring to the group,” said Kevin Lagos, GRHS Band Director. “Six of our rookies have older siblings that played in the Marching Band, so they knew it was hard work and still jumped on board. They also quickly found out that our traditions and teamwork make it a really fun time too!”

The 2013 rookies were quickly immersed, with the traditional pre-season “band camp” – five 12-hour days of practice – followed by daily after-school rehearsals, to get ready for their debut at the school’s Homecoming game September 21st. Marching Band terminology like “shako,” “lyre” and “parade rest” became part of their vernacular as the players work hard to form a cohesive unit of music and movement. Frequent student-run sectional sessions provide added focus and peer support; while cross-sectional band parties provide the freedom to calm any jitters and bond with their band-mates.

Entitled, “Psycho Driver: West que c’est,” the 2013 GRHS Marching Band show features music by legendary composer Bernard Hermann, including movie theme songs from “Psycho,” “Taxi Driver” and “North by Northwest.” The Band played its first official competition at Roxbury High School on September 28th and is ready for its next competition Sunday, October 6th at the Verona High School. The Verona band competition will be open to the general public. For more information, visit

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