What was it like for Montclair High School seniors to go back to in-person school on June 1, 2021 for the first time since March 2020?

MHS senior Maggie Borgen has created a podcast that answers that question and shares the surreal life of the Class of 2021 who spent almost all of their senior year in remote school during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Borgen reflects on what it was like getting ready for that first day back — the weirdness of opening the backpack she hadn’t used since March 2020 — and how it was fun to see people in person and chat in class but how she was also trying to register for her college courses for fall on the same day.

Second Semester Seniors has interviews and audio reflections that highlight what it is like to be a current high school senior as well as tips for managing a school year like no other.

All six episodes of the series are posted; an epilogue will come out this week, the same week as Borgen and her fellow classmates graduate high school. Some highlights include an episode featuring four New Jersey seniors reflecting on their second semester and an interview with Borgen’s guidance counselor Gina Testa about advising seniors during the pandemic.

Find ways to listen to Second Semester Seniors here. Follow the podcast on Instagram.